HiQSDR is a full SDR DDC-Transceiver with a range from nearly 0 up to 66 MHz. The trx is developed from James Ahlstrom N2ADR: http://james.ahlstrom.name/

Helmut Goebkes, DB1CC, is the creator of a new PCB with some extensions and improvements. All informations about the device are on the website http://www.hiqsdr.org/.

My assembled HiQSDR use Raspberry Pi and a Faytech 7 Zoll FT07TMB touchscreen display to create a standalone transceiver. There are a optical encoder (120/480 steps), two mechanical encoders with 20 steps and a potentiometer connected to simple GPIO-Modul with a ATMega32 CPU. The GPIO modul is connected to HiQSDR FPGA via SPI. Here is the GPIO-Software. On RPI my RaSDR Software is running. All settings are available via the touchscreen or alternative the encoders. GPIO SPI connection is supported from the latest FPGA (sg9). If you need my adapted RPI SD-Card image, send me a email.

sdr transceiver

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